Canada’s Troops Moving into Ukraine

According to the Canadian Defence Minister Bill Blair, Canada is open to sending military personnel to Ukraine with the intent to train their troops, reported by the Toronto Star.  But what is their plans and what are the other nations’ responses?  In his interview with the Toronto Star, he mentioned Continue Reading


On the 6th of June 2023, the great Nova Kakhovka dam in Ukraine was “blown up”. There was great flooding and “mass destruction”. Hundreds and thousands are now at risk because of it. It provides water to the Crimea, the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant and the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Continue Reading

The St. Petersburg Bombing: What Do We Know?

On April 2nd, a bomb went off in a popular cafe in the second largest city in Russia, St. Petersburg. The explosion has been described as ‘domestic terrorism’ by Ukrainian officials and caused the injury of many, including the death of a popular Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky.  Vladlen Tatarsky Continue Reading

Putin, Stalingrad & Ukraine…

On the 2nd of February 1943, the most brutal battle of WW2 ended in Stalingrad. 80 years later, a new war is taking place: the fight for Ukraine. Vladimir Putin the Russian President made a direct link between The Battle of Stalingrad and the war in Ukraine when he attended Continue Reading

Will Winter Win Russia’s War?

In late February 2022, Vladimir Putin invaded the Eastern regions of Ukraine. Since then, Ukraine have suffered heavy losses, but fought hard and have started to counter-attack the Russians. But the civilians of Kyiv and other major cities have been forced to endure harsh times due to lack of vital Continue Reading