Apple: Feeling flat

Planned obsolescence is, “the policy of making consumer goods which rapidly becomes obsolete and so require replacing” so says the Oxford Dictionary. Since 2017 Apple has admitted to lowering battery performance to prolong its life; in 2020 the DGCCRF (French Fraud watchdog) fined Apple $21m and in the US it Continue Reading

The Influence of AI & ChatGPT

Over the past couple months, people are panicking about ChatGPT and AI and how people are using it to cheat on their homework and schoolwork. A survey done by Productive Teaching Tool or Innovative Cheating? | shows 89% of students use ChatGPT. This is causing a lot of Continue Reading

Will A.I. Dominate the production industry?

With AI becoming increasingly advanced, many people are starting to wonder: how will it affect everyday workers?  Due to the cost-of-living crisis in the UK, thousands of people are desperately searching for jobs to sustain their family’s needs. AI is famous for its speed and reliability, but not only will Continue Reading

Future Tech…

Technology evolves every day. From the first cave man who invented the first tool – it’s not what we would class as technology now, but it was then. Technology has become so advanced that it might be ahead of our time. In this article you will find out about the Continue Reading