Author Visit: Matt Dickinson

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The well-known author named Matt Dickinson came to our school last week. Before I tell you about what he said and tips he gave to us at BHS I will explain who he is and his career and also about his son.

Matt Dickinson is an author, film-maker and writer who is best known for his award-winning novels and documentaries. he has written several books, one of his most popular being ‘ The Everest files’. He has featured in many shows and has directed and co- directed many, one of the many being the 2003 movie he co – directed of ‘Cloud Cuckoo Land’—an independent British movie. He has also been on the BBC . Although this may come as a surprise, his own son is a journalist! 

Now you know a bit about him, I will explain our experience first hand with the author himself! 

Matt started off our session by giving us a major tip – reading is very important as it takes a very important role in your life. He explained that reading is very beneficial if you want to do any writing or journalism career. He showed us a PowerPoint with lots of information/ photographs portraying his adventure of a life time to Mount Everest ,he explained it was very hard making around 5 camps, people looting his camp, getting frostbite, making it to the peak and even needing more protection and even masks, the bridges he had to cross and the voyaging people who live on Mount Everest or near the mountains who carried immense loads, seeing dead body’s of people who didn’t make it , seeing people faint  and even go into a coma resulting in an emergency helicopter to bring them to what’s called their base camp and many more interesting  experiences.

At YJA News room we enjoyed this visit so much as we got to talk to a real life author and grasp the opportunity to get tips and inspiration . Thank you so much Matt for seeing us at YJA !

Yasmin Yr7

Boston High School

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