Social Media Doomscrolling: The Damage
Many people use social media daily, ranging from Facebook (the most prominent social media app) to Discord (one of the smallest). Still, all social media have their advantages and disadvantages. Some mental issues can also be raised throughout these media, with how people compare themselves to others being a primary Continue Reading
Are video games negatively affecting the perception of women?
For years, video games have been a form of media that simultaneously allows players to escape reality and provides interactive entertainment. Despite video games being able to offer enjoyment to individuals, the gaming industry has historically alienated female audiences to cater to their male audience by misrepresenting female characters and Continue Reading
Is Difficulty Becoming a Gimmick in Gaming?
Difficulty in video games is often in the hands of the one playing. It has developed over time from the retrospectively challenging platformers and isometric 3D RPGs populating the market of the 80s and 90s, such as the Mega Man franchise or Final Fantasy III, that gave gaming a reputation Continue Reading
Are microtransactions ruining gaming?
Microtransactions are a relatively new phenomenon in the gaming industry. Nowadays, almost every triple-A title implements them in some way, which begs the question: Are they ruining gaming? The history of microtransactions is riddled with controversy. The first official microtransaction—when Bethesda released the Horse Armour DLC for The Elder Scrolls Continue Reading
F1 in Schools.
On Wednesday 13th March 2024 MAGNA will host the national finals for the F1 in schools The F1 for schools will see the top teams from across the nation compete for a place on the podium and a chance to be the National Champions. The event is a series of Continue Reading
Good Gaming
According to 75% of parents worry about their children having negative impacts from gaming, however are they worrying for nothing and instead of being negative its having a positive impact in peoples lives? Parents worry frequently about their children’s mental health online, however according to Young Minds “Gaming can Continue Reading
Apple: Feeling flat
Planned obsolescence is, “the policy of making consumer goods which rapidly becomes obsolete and so require replacing” so says the Oxford Dictionary. Since 2017 Apple has admitted to lowering battery performance to prolong its life; in 2020 the DGCCRF (French Fraud watchdog) fined Apple $21m and in the US it Continue Reading
Smartphone addiction, how does it affect us?
We are all victims of the crime of being on our phone for too long, right. We sit on our comfy sofa and scroll through TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Google, Roblox the list goes on. We only get up in the morning to check out notifications or scroll on TikTok when Continue Reading
The Google Purge: December 2023
Google have recently given 3-weeks notice that millions of accounts will be deleted: Gmail, YouTube, Calendar, Authenticator, Drive, Meet, Photos, and more. Here is everything you need to know to protect your google identity. Google have decided this to help stop identity theft and hacks, mainly because of commonly used Continue Reading
Is Genshin Impact becoming one of the video game greats?
Genshin impact is a growing game with a growing fanbase but in the future will it be considered one of the video game greats? On Friday 15 September 2023 Genshin Impact did a version 4.1 livestream and announced that their player base has grown to 99.53 million across the world Continue Reading