Turtle Trouble

Turtles are the beloved favourite of many, but they are currently facing some serious challenges because of climate change. Climate change is damaging their nesting grounds and the gender of the eggs.   Sand temperature is starting to increase rapidly because of the rising heat, and this is more serious Continue Reading

The “Big Melt” of California

California has had a welcome respite from the epic snowfall and record rains that have battered the state in recent weeks, but a new threat brought on by the changing climate looms. The state’s substantial snowpack will soon start to melt, and regions are preparing for another surge in water Continue Reading

The Willow Project: An American Debate

As of March 2023, the president of the USA, Joe Biden, has approved the $8 billion (£6.49 billion) Willow Project to go ahead. The Willow Project entails the drilling for oil and gas at three separate sites over coming decades across the 23m-acre National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.  Since the Continue Reading