Phone Call Privilege
Typically, inmates are allowed 2 phone calls per week and limited to 30 minutes in the US. However in the UK, depending on the institution, an inmate has a general access to phones two hours each day and 10 minutes at a time. The contact is used to connect with Continue Reading
Women In Sports
Sport was popular from the start. In ancient history, which began around 7000 BC, it was in Greece where sport was first introduced formally and became the first Olympic Games that they celebrated every 4 years, and this still continues today. Within ancient Greece, women had their own olympic games Continue Reading
Unlocked – A Jail Experiment!
The new Netflix show ‘Unlocked’: A Jail Experiment focuses on the work of Sheriff Eric Higgins in American Prison: Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility. It is a social experiment where inmates are given beyond-usual freedoms and trust by unlocking their cell doors 24-7 for 6 weeks and given gradual privileges. Continue Reading