The Willow Project: An American Debate

As of March 2023, the president of the USA, Joe Biden, has approved the $8 billion (£6.49 billion) Willow Project to go ahead. The Willow Project entails the drilling for oil and gas at three separate sites over coming decades across the 23m-acre National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.  Since the Continue Reading

Will Space junk overwhelm the night sky? 

The world is changing at a rapid rate and the sky above is no exception.  It is estimated that in a decade’s time the night sky will be teaming with satellite’s blocking out the stars and making it harder for astronomers to observe deep space. This is becoming more of Continue Reading

Are Synthetic Fuels Sufficient? Porsche think so

Porsche have announced their plans to begin production of carbon neutral fuels in a genius attempt to change the world. The production of these fuels will be almost completely carbon neutral and may open a new path into a greener world of transport. In late 2020, Porsche stated that they Continue Reading

UK Space: Is it all for nothing?

On January 9th, the UK Space Agency launched its first rocket from UK soil ever. They achieved this with Virgin Orbit. It was destined to be a monumental feat in UK engineering. But what went so wrong? On the night of the launch, Cosmic Girl (the Boeing 747 carrying the Continue Reading

Artemis: Colonising the Cosmos 

The most powerful and brightest rocket to ever be launched by humanity lifted itself above the swamps of East Florida. It was the first launch of many missions dubbed: Artemis. This mission is dedicated to lighting a spark in the deep darkness of space by sustaining a constant presence on Continue Reading