History: Israel and Palestine

black smoke coming from fire

This conflict has started gaining a lot of attention recently, but when did the issue actually start? According to the BBC, the constant attacking and rivalry has been going on since 1948.

As mentioned in the Guardian and the BBC, it all started in 1947 when the United Nations voted for Palestine to split into an Arab state and a Jewish state. The Jewish leaders approved of this proposal but the Arabs didn’t agree, and so the idea was never carried out. However, in 1948, the Jewish leaders announced the creation of Israel, and the day after, five Arab countries were attacked!

In the ‘Al Nakba’ which translates to ‘the Catastrophe’, many Palestinians evacuated or were forced out of their homes. The following year, the fighting ended, and Israel was in control of most of the land. However, this truce only lasted a while, as there was never a peace agreement or contract. Therefore, there were multiple more wars, fighting and battles well into the present day. The conflict still hasn’t ended.

The matter has raised many different views.  Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French.’ However, former US President John F. Kennedy said, ‘Israel was not created in order to disappear- Israel will endure and flourish.’

Will Israel and Palestine ever be able to come together for a peaceful resolution? Leave a comment below.

Anabia Yr8

Boston High School Newsroom

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