Seoul Tragedy- Survival Techniques
Recently, in Seoul, South Korea, there was a crowd crush that killed and injured many; these people did not know that only a few moments later, their lives would be in danger. Crowd crushes can happen at very common events like festivals or even just busy city streets. A Year Continue Reading
The Tiktok Pigeon
British Tik Tokker and NHS worker, Hannah Hall has adopted an abused pigeon from a Nottingham beer garden and welcomed her into her lovely home. Hannah Hall filmed the moment when she was out with her friends in a beer garden and a pigeon flew up to her and sat Continue Reading
YJA Live at the Newark Book Festival
Young journalists Ethan and Leon had exclusive access to this years Newark Book Festival. The first Newark Book Festival took place in July 2017 – a two-day event bringing authors, illustrators and readers together for a programme covering many writing genres with events for all ages to enjoy. This years Continue Reading