The Tiktok Pigeon

British Tik Tokker and NHS worker, Hannah Hall has adopted an abused pigeon from a Nottingham beer garden and welcomed her into her lovely home. 

Hannah Hall filmed the moment when she was out with her friends in a beer garden and a pigeon flew up to her and sat on her knee. She later found out that the pigeon was being abused by other members of the public. 

Horrified Hannah immediately took the pigeon home and nurtured it until it felt better. She discovered that the pigeon was a girl and quickly named her Penny. The Pigeon, since then, has loved every second of living with Hannah, to the point where now Penny flies on her shoulder.

Though they are often referred to as flying vermin, Hannah does not think that and refers to them as cats with wings. 

With Bird Flu season coming around, Hannah and Penny have had to prepare. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Bird Flu causes lack of appetite, diarrhoea, swollen heads and much more.

Hannah has prepared for this by making Penny the Pigeon a lovely pigeon palace which looks amazing. 

I hope that Hannah and Penny has changed your mind about Pigeons and made you think they are not rats with wings but instead just cats in disguise. If you want to follow the tiktok account, their username is @comeonlittlepigeon. 

By Scarlett, Year 8

Boston High School Newsroom

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2 thoughts on “The Tiktok Pigeon

  1. So ashamed that the public has abused it but i wonder how many other pigeons or animals have been over the years.

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